Monday, September 5, 2011

'dislike' security

Now I understand the importance of airport security....but I think they go a bit overboard. I remember the time when my grandparents would greet us right at the gate. Those times are long past.

Even then I would get searched regularly--the only one in my family who seemed to get searched in those days.

Today I've had the not so fun airport adventures. I really dislike security, period.

Salt Lake airport fortunately let me mail my unintended illegal item (ie my pocketknife that had hidden in the bottom of my backpack). But I had to buy an envelope for $1 and then a book of stamps $9...and put on about 6 stamps hoping that's about right and saving the other stamps for later.

In the Spokane airport, I had to exit security to get to the proper terminal to catch my connecting flight to Seattle...and there, upon reentry, my bag got caught for having 'explosive residue.' So, not only did they empty my entire bag after the bomb swab, but they gave me a very thorough pat-down (noted by the man and girl who sat next to me on the plane in Seattle--they commented on it). And then they test the gloves that patted me down for explosive residue. Am I really THAT suspicious a character?

1 comment:

  1. No way. I would have been so embarrassed that they would have thought I was guilty. I hate airport security too. They spend forever looking at my toddler and baby's formula and food. Would I really smuggle some illegal and dangerous substance in my kids food? Seriously.
